Anna Hickey-Moody is Professor of Media and Communication at RMIT. She is the author of Imagining University Education (Routledge, 2016), The Politics of Widening Participation: Making Educational Futures (Routledge, 2016), Youth, Arts and Education: Reassembling Subjectivity Through Affect (Routledge, 2013) and Unimaginable Bodies (Sense, 2010). She is co-author of Masculinity Beyond the Metropolis (Palgrave Macmillan, 2006). She is co-editor of Practice, Pedagogy, Resistance: A New Materialism (Rowman & Littlefield International, 2015), Disability Matters: Pedagogy, Media and Affect (Routledge, 2012), and Deleuzian Encounters: Studies in Contemporary Social Issues (Palgrave Macmillan, 2007).
Introduction Markus P.J. Bohlmann
Part I: Deleuze and Children
1. Deleuze, Guattari and Partial Objects Kenneth Surin
2. Little Hans and the Pedagogies of Heterosexuality Anna Hickey-Moody
3. Undoing the Parent-Function: The Metaphysics and Politics of a Deleuzian Child Ohad Zehavi
4. Beyond Surface Articulation: Alice and the Hermunculus Helen Palmer
Part II: Children and Deleuze
5. Pathways through the Labyrinth: Deleuze's Gothic Child in Stanley Kubrick's The Shining (1980) Anna Powell
6. 'Just Tell Them I'm a Chipmunk': Transgender Children and the Breach in the Oedipal Gender Assemblage Mat Fournier
7. Affective Atmospheres: Joy, Ethics and the Howl of Children and Young People's (A)Sexuality Ian Thomas
8. Affect, Play and Becoming-Musicking Chris Stover
9. Temporalities of Children's Literature: Chronos, Aion and Incorporeal Ageing Jane Newland
10. Children, Deleuze and Worlding Markus P.J. Bohlmann
11. Child, Baby, Embryo, Brain, Monster Jon Roffe
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