The Do-Over Damsel Conquers the Dragon Emperor, Vol. 3 (manga)

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The Do-Over Damsel Conquers the Dragon Emperor, Vol. 3 (manga) by Nagase, Sarasa; Yuzu, Anko; Fuji, Mitsuya; Neal, John; Macalangcom, Adnazeer, 9781975360467
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  • ISBN: 9781975360467 | 197536046X
  • Cover: Paperback
  • Copyright: 4/16/2024

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I am Jill Cervel! The rightful bride of the emperor! It’s Jill’s worst nightmare—Prince Gerald has come to take her back! Not only that, but the vessel of the curse on Emperor Hadis has begun to run amok, sending the citizenry into a frenzied mob against their ruler! To make things right, Jill has to learn the truth about the curse, Hadis’s goals, and her role in it all. Will she be able to muster up the power and love to prevent a ruined future?
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