Things To Do Now That You’re A Mom

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Things To Do Now That You’re A Mom by Lockley, Elfrea, 9780600638810
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  • ISBN: 9780600638810 | 0600638812
  • Cover: Hardcover
  • Copyright: 4/15/2025

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Filled with fun, inspirational and inventive things to do as you embark on the role of a lifetime, now that you're a Mom

Motherhood is messy and beautiful, and comforting and humbling.

Congratulations, you are stepping into a wonderful adventure called motherhood. It is an experience of a lifetime. Motherhood will open doors to myriad new and unfamiliar experiences and activities, as well as offering you the opportunity to reacquaint yourself with your own childhood and your relationship with your mother. It is a ride full of excitement and joy, but like any road travelled, things can get a bit bumpy, and from time to time there will be obstacles to negotiate.

This little book is packed with fun, creative and practical Things to do now that you're a Mom, whether you're a first-time Mom or you're trying to find new ways to create life-changing experiences with your children, this is the book for you.
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