Chapter 1: Speaking in Public Chapter 2: Ethics and Public SpeakingChapter 3: ListeningChapter 4: Giving Your First SpeechChapter 5: Selecting a Topic and a PurposeChapter 6: Analyzing the AudienceChapter 7: Gathering MaterialsChapter 8: Supporting your IdeasChapter 9: Organizing the Body of the SpeechChapter 10: Beginning and Ending the SpeechChapter 11: Outlining the SpeechChapter 12: Using LanguageChapter 13: DeliveryChapter 14: Using Visual AidsChapter 15: Speaking to InformChapter 16: Speaking to PersuadeChapter 17: Methods of PersuasionChapter 18: Speaking on Special OccasionsChapter 19: Presenting Your Speech OnlineChapter 20: Speaking in Small Groups Appendix: Speeches for Analysis and Discussion
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