Beef Production and Management Decisions

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Beef Production and Management Decisions by Field, Thomas G., 9780134602691
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  • ISBN: 9780134602691 | 0134602692
  • Cover: Hardcover
  • Copyright: 1/1/2017

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Current, authoritative, balanced coverage of the issues impacting the beef industry.

The hallmark text Beef Production and Management Decisions, 6/e, examines the most current and critical biological, ecological, financial, and marketing issues impacting the beef industry today. This updated edition includes concepts of beef quality assurance and devotes chapters to the management of information, the traditions of the business, and the future of the industry. Integrating a management systems viewpoint while drawing on the author’s industry and academic experience to explore the challenges of the industry, this text is a must for any professional library.

The new edition is expanded and features 85% new images and more than 60% new tables; the latest industry demographics across the supply chain in  the United States and with other major global players; a significant increase in management-oriented information in several areas; comprehensive, in-depth evaluation of the stocker sector; and increased online resource suggestions.

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