Creating Literacy Instruction for All Students

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Creating Literacy Instruction for All Students by Gunning, Thomas G., 9780134986487
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  • ISBN: 9780134986487 | 0134986482
  • Cover: Paperback
  • Copyright: 4/18/2019

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The most comprehensive PreK-8 literacy text on the market – packed with practical instruction and assessment strategies that support the literacy development of all learners.
Creating Literacy Instruction for All Students includes in-depth coverage of every major topic and research-based strategy in literacy education. Readers will gain a thorough understanding of every essential theory and practical technique, then choose which strategies best fit their students’ needs and their personal teaching style. Unique text features include: three chapters dedicated to comprehension, an Academic Word List adapted for elementary and middle school students, arranged by difficulty level of words; specialized techniques for teaching difficult phonics elements; formative phonics, syllabic analysis, and comprehension assessments that are easy to administer and analyze; comprehension techniques such as mystery passages, using manipulatives, macro close, and writing intensive reading comprehension; stage of development; explanations on using extensive databases of Lexiled informational texts; and step-by-step guidance for teaching reading and writing – including sample lessons for virtually every major literacy skill/strategy that incorporate the key elements of effective assessment and instruction.

The 10th Edition highlights technology’s increasing role and use in both literacy assessment and instruction, and incorporates new research studies that show how educators can support their students in reaching grade-level requirements.

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