El Poder transformador de cerrar ciclos / The Power of Closure
, by McClain, Gary R.- ISBN: 9786075840185 | 6075840184
- Cover: Paperback
- Copyright: 5/5/2025
El Dr. McClain explica por qué un cierre es conveniente, pero no siempre es lo que parece. Explica a los lectores qué es (y qué no es) un cierre, las razones por las que lo queremos, cómo buscarlo de manera saludable y productiva, y formas de avanzar cuando no conseguimos el cierre que buscamos. Aprende cómo encontrar la paz y dejar atrás el arrepentimiento cuando no puedes dejar de obsesionarte con una pelea con un amigo, cuando tu mundo se pone patas arriba por una ruptura o cuando un ser querido ha muerto. Ya sea que estés lidiando con el dolor de una pérdida o simplemente sientas la necesidad de atar un cabo suelto, grande o pequeño, en una relación, este libro te ayudará a dejar atrás el pasado y avanzar hacia el futuro.
Dr. McClain explains why the promise of closure is so appealing—and why it’s not always all it’s cracked up to be. He walks readers through what closure is (and isn’t), the reasons we want it, how to seek it in healthy and productive ways, and ways to move forward when we don’t get the closure we’re looking for. Learn how to find peace and leave regret behind when you can’t stop obsessing about a fight with a friend, when your world has been turned upside down by a breakup, or when a loved one has died. Whether you’re dealing with the pain of loss or are simply feeling the need to tie up a loose end, big or small, in a relationship, This book will help you let go of the past and embrace the future.
Dr. McClain explains why the promise of closure is so appealing—and why it’s not always all it’s cracked up to be. He walks readers through what closure is (and isn’t), the reasons we want it, how to seek it in healthy and productive ways, and ways to move forward when we don’t get the closure we’re looking for. Learn how to find peace and leave regret behind when you can’t stop obsessing about a fight with a friend, when your world has been turned upside down by a breakup, or when a loved one has died. Whether you’re dealing with the pain of loss or are simply feeling the need to tie up a loose end, big or small, in a relationship, This book will help you let go of the past and embrace the future.