Elements of Electromagnetics

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Elements of Electromagnetics by Sadiku, Matthew, 9780190698614
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  • ISBN: 9780190698614 | 0190698616
  • Cover: Hardcover
  • Copyright: 1/3/2018

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Using a vectors-first approach, Elements of Electromagnetics, Seventh Edition, covers electrostatics, magnetostatics, fields, waves, and applications like transmission lines, waveguides, and antennas. The text also provides a balanced presentation of time-varying and static fields, preparing students for employment in today's industrial and manufacturing sectors.

Streamlined to facilitate student understanding, Elements of Electromagnetics features worked examples in every chapter that explain how to use the theory presented in the text to solve different kinds of problems. It also covers numerical methods, including MATLAB and vector analysis, to help students analyze situations that they are likely to encounter in industry practice.
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