9) Benefit/Cost Analysis and Public Sector Economics
Learning Stage 2 - Epilogue: Selecting the Basic Analysis Tool
Learning Stage 3 - Making Decisions
10) Project Financing and Non-economic Attributes
11) Replacement and Retention Decisions
12) Independent Projects With Budget Limitation
13) Breakeven and Payback Analysis
Learning Stage 4 - Rounding Out the Study
14) Effects of Inflation
15) Cost Estimation and Indirect Cost Allocation
16) Depreciation Methods
17) After-Tax Economic Analysis
18) Sensitivity Analysis and Staged Decisions
19) More on Variation and Decision Making under Risk
Appendix A - Using Spreadsheets and Microsoft Excel
Appendix B - Basics of Accounting Reports and Business Ratios
Appendix C - Code of Ethics for Engineers
Appendix D - Alternate Methods For Equivalence Calculations
Appendix E - Glossary of Concepts and Terms
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