Carissa Veliz, Associate Professor, Institute for Ethics in AI, University of Oxford
Carissa Véliz is an Associate Professor in Philosophy at the Institute for Ethics in AI, and a Fellow at Hertford College at the University of Oxford. She is the recipient of the 2021 Herbert A. Simon Award for Outstanding Research in Computing and Philosophy. She is the author of the highly-acclaimed Privacy Is Power (an Economist book of the year, 2020) and the editor of the Oxford Handbook of Digital Ethics. She advises institutions and policymakers around the world on privacy and the ethics of AI.
Introduction Part One: Where Does Privacy Come From? 1. The Animalistic Origins of Privacy 2. Etymology, History, and Anthropology of Privacy Part Two: What Is Privacy? 3. Privacy, the Public, and the Private 4. Ten Accounts of Privacy-And Their Shortcomings 5. The Hybrid Account of Privacy 6. The Epistemology of Privacy Part Three: Why Does Privacy Matter? 7. The Value of Privacy 8. The Value of Surveillance 9. Privacy vs Surveillance Part Four: What Should We Do About Privacy? 10. The Right to (Robust) Privacy 11. Privacy Duties 12. Privacy Deceptions Part Five: Where Are We Now? 13. Privacy in the 21st Century Conclusion Acknowledgements References Index
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