Foundations of Nursing Research

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Foundations of Nursing Research by Nieswiadomy, Rose Marie; Bailey, Catherine, 9780134167213
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  • ISBN: 9780134167213 | 013416721X
  • Cover: Paperback
  • Copyright: 5/1/2017

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For use as a primary text in undergraduate nursing research courses.

Clear, engaging writing sparks an interest in nursing research and evidence-based nursing
Foundations of Nursing Research illuminates all steps of the nursing research process, helping readers understand the importance of research to evidence-based nursing practice, evaluate and critique research, and determine whether study findings are ready to apply in practice. Its conversational tone explains research simply and clearly. To illustrate specific aspects of the research process, extensive research study excerpts are interspersed throughout the book, including research performed outside the U.S. User-friendly learning features include chapter objectives, key terms, summaries, review questions, research links, and self-tests.

Also available packaged with MyLab™ Nursing or via Pearson eText.

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Pearson eText offers a simple-to-use, mobile, personalized reading experience that lets instructors connect with and motivate students — right in their eTextbook.

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0134848659 / 9780134848655 Foundations of Nursing Research Plus MyNursingLab with Pearson eText -- Access Card Package, 7/e
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  • 013416721X / 9780134167213 Foundations of Nursing Research, 7/e
  • 0134869974 / 9780134869971 MyNursingLab with Pearson eText -- Access Card -- for Foundations of Nursing Research, 7/e

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0134873548 / 9780134873541 Pearson eText Foundations of Nursing Research -- Access Card, 7/e

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