Part I. The Jews of Provence in the Shadow of the Church 1. The Arrival of the Jews in Provence: Myth and Reality 2. The Community and Its Institutions: Society and Economy 3. Jewish Women 4. The Jews and the Cross 5. Religious Polemics and Attitudes to Christianity 6. King René and the Final Expulsion from Provence
Part II. The Cultural Renaissance of the Jews of Provence 7. Torah Study and Scholarship 8. Provençal Jewish Culture 9. Judah Ibn Tibbon and Joseph Kimhi: The Translation Project 10. The Translation Project as a Cultural Renaissance 11. The Professional Discourse of Translation 12. Adab and Judah Ibn Tibbon's Ethical Will: The Multicultural Library and Its Influence 13. The Controversy Surrounding Philosophy and Radical Allegory 14. The Kabbalistic Circles in Provence 15. Messianism, Polemics, and Political Perceptions of Redemption 16. Collective Historical Identity and Cultural Specificity
Afterword Bibliography Index
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