KJV Standard Lesson Commentary® 2025-2026

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KJV Standard Lesson Commentary® 2025-2026 by Standard Publishing, 9780830787586
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  • ISBN: 9780830787586 | 0830787585
  • Cover: Paperback
  • Copyright: 6/3/2025

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As the world’s most popular annual Bible commentary for more than three decades, Standard Lesson Commentary (SLC) provides 52 weeks of study in a single volume and combines thorough Bible study with compelling illustrations and questions.
Key features include:
  • Verse-by-verse explanation of the Bible text
  • Contextualized literary and historical introductions
  • Pronunciation guide for difficult words
  • Printed Scripture
  • Discussion questions and group learning activities
  • A review quiz for each quarter
Available in King James Version (KJV) and New International Version® (NIV) editions, the SLC is based on the popular Uniform Series. This series, developed by scholars and pastors from numerous church fellowships, outlines an in-depth study of the Bible and all its major themes in a multi–year cycle.
The four main themes of the 2025–2026 study are:
Judah, From Isaiah to the ExileIsaiah, 2 Chronicles, Jeremiah, 2 Kings, Ezekiel
Enduring Beliefs of the Christian FaithExodus, Psalms, The Gospels, Acts, Romans, 1 and 2 Corinthians, Ephesians, 2 Timothy, 1 John, Revelation
Social Teachings of the ChurchGenesis, Exodus, Deuteronomy, Nehemiah, Isaiah, Daniel, Jonah, Psalms, The Gospels, Acts, Romans, 1 Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Hebrews, 1 Timothy, 2 Thessalonians, James
The Testimony of Faithful WitnessesJudges, 1 Samuel, Amos, The Gospels, Acts, 2 Timothy, Philemon
The SLC is perfect as the primary resource for an adult Sunday School class, for personal study, or as a supplemental resource for any curriculum that follows the ISSL/Uniform Series. Nearly two dozen ministers, teachers, and Christian education specialists contribute their expertise to SLC.
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