LeMone and Burke's Medical-Surgical Nursing Clinical Reasoning in Patient Care
, by Gubrud, Paula; Carno, Margaret; Bauldoff, Gerene, RN, PhD, FAAN- ISBN: 9780134868189 | 0134868188
- Cover: Hardcover
- Copyright: 2/21/2019
For courses in medical-surgical nursing.
The novice nurse’s guide to whole-patient care
LeMone and Burke’s Medical-Surgical Nursing: Clinical Reasoning in Patient Care offers the skills and knowledge needed to provide safe, evidence-based care for the diseases and disorders the new nurse will most likely encounter, based on incidence and prevalence data. The theme is that patient care should address the whole person, not just the malfunction of body systems. Rather than memorize medical conditions, readers build the clinical reasoning skills they need to safely perform simple to complex tasks. The 7th edition has a new section on transitions of care and a new chapter linking sleep and health. It is now organized with a more consistent chapter structure for easier navigation.
Also available with MyLab Nursing
Note: You are purchasing a standalone product; MyLab Nursing does not come packaged with this content. Students, if interested in purchasing this title with MyLab Nursing, ask your instructor to confirm the correct package ISBN and Course ID. Instructors, contact your Pearson representative for more information.