The Little Seagull Handbook (3rd edition Spiral Bound)

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The Little Seagull Handbook (3rd edition Spiral Bound) by Bullock, Richard; Brody, Michal; Weinberg, Francine, 9780393602630
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  • ISBN: 9780393602630 | 039360263X
  • Cover: Spiral Bound
  • Copyright: 1/1/2017

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Most handbooks include chapters on various general writing topics (e.g., the writing process or the elements of an argument), but few cover the specific kinds of writing students are assigned to do. The Little Seagull has chapters on reports, analyses, and all the other genres that college students are most often assigned. And because it's so small, so easy to use, and so affordable, it's proven to be a popular alternative to larger (and much more costly) handbooks.
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