Local Anesthesia in Dentistry A Locoregional Approach

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Local Anesthesia in Dentistry A Locoregional Approach by Calatayud, Jesús; Saraghi, Mana, 9781394180158
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  • ISBN: 9781394180158 | 1394180152
  • Cover: Hardcover
  • Copyright: 12/4/2023

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Distills the current body of knowledge in local anesthesia into a single, easy-to-use volume.

Local Anesthesia in Dentistry: A Locoregional Approach provides comprehensive coverage of all aspects of local anesthetics, including anatomic considerations, pharmacology, armamentarium, injection techniques, indications, contraindications, complications, novel anesthetics formulations, and more. In-depth chapters offer clear criteria and guidelines for patient care, supported by hundreds of evidence-based references. Alongside this, standalone appendixes are hosted on the book’s companion website. In these appendixes, the authors have distilled a wide body of research, summarizing the findings of the seminal studies in the field, including historical landmark studies and clinical trial data to support practical aspects of locoregional anesthesia discussed in the textbook.

This easy-to-use volume:

  • Provides students and professionals with a one-stop resource on local anesthesia in dentistry
  • Offers critical evaluations of research and literature on each topic and subtopic
  • Addresses all common local anesthetic techniques, including basic injection, mandibular and maxillary anesthesia, and local anesthesia in children
  • Features practical quantitative data and step-by-step information on situations encountered in daily practice

Designed to support all levels of dental professionals, Local Anesthesia in Dentistry: A Locoregional Approach is written by two highly experienced practitioners, making this authoritative resource a must-have for dentists, dental nurses, dental technicians, hygienists, specialists, students, and researchers. It is also a valuable reference for other healthcare providers looking to support future study.

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