Management Fourteenth Edition Loose-Leaf Print Companion
, by Schermerhorn- ISBN: 9781119497653 | 1119497655
- Cover: Loose-leaf
- Copyright: 9/17/2018
Schermerhorn, Management 14e continues to offer the same balanced theory approach as with previous editions. Students need an active and engaged learning classroom environment that brings personal meaning to course content and the instructor's course objectives. Schermerhorn communicates with students through rich, timely features and cases that bring management topics, theories, and concepts to life. The underlying goal is to translate foundation theories into lasting tools for students as they move beyond the classroom where their skills will be put to the test.
Part One Management
1 Management, Managers, and Careers 1
1.1 Career Readiness Today 2
1.2 Organizations 7
1.3 Managers 10
1.4 The Management Process 14
1.5 Skills for Career Success 17
Management Learning Review: Get Prepared for Quizzes and Exams 21
Career Skills & Competencies: Make Yourself Valuable! 23
2 Management Learning Past to Present 26
2.1 Classical Management Approaches 27
2.2 Behavioral Management Approaches 30
2.3 Modern Management Foundations 36
Management Learning Review: Get Prepared for Quizzes and Exams 41
Career Skills & Competencies: Make Yourself Valuable! 43
3 Ethics and Social Responsibility 46
3.1 Ethics 47
3.2 Ethics in the Workplace 52
3.3 Maintaining High Ethical Standards 57
3.4 Social Responsibility 59
Management Learning Review: Get Prepared for Quizzes and Exams 64
Career Skills & Competencies: Make Yourself Valuable! 66
Part Two Environment
4 Environment, Technology, and Sustainability 69
4.1 The External Environment 70
4.2 Environmental Uncertainty and Value Creation 75
4.3 Technology and Innovation 77
4.4 Sustainability and Social Issues 80
Management Learning Review: Get Prepared for Quizzes and Exams 83
Career Skills & Competencies: Make Yourself Valuable! 85
5 Global Management and Cultural Diversity 87
5.1 Management and Globalization 88
5.2 Global Businesses 95
5.3 Cultures and Global Diversity 99
5.4 Global Management Learning 103
Management Learning Review: Get Prepared for Quizzes and Exams 105
Career Skills & Competencies: Make Yourself Valuable! 107
6 Entrepreneurship and New Ventures 110
6.1 The Nature of Entrepreneurship 111
6.2 Entrepreneurship and Small Business 117
6.3 New Venture Creation 120
Management Learning Review: Get Prepared for Quizzes and Exams 126
Career Skills & Competencies: Make Yourself Valuable! 128
Part Three Planning and Controlling
7 Data and Decision Making 131
7.1 Information, Data, and Analytics 132
7.2 Problem Solving and Managerial Decisions 136
7.3 The Decision-Making Process 141
7.4 Decision-Making Pitfalls and Creativity 147
Management Learning Review: Get Prepared for Quizzes and Exams 151
Career Skills & Competencies: Make Yourself Valuable! 153
8 Planning Processes and Techniques 156
8.1 Why and How Managers Plan 157
8.2 Types of Plans Used by Managers 161
8.3 Planning Tools and Techniques 165
8.4 Implementing Plans to Achieve Results 168
Management Learning Review: Get Prepared for Quizzes and Exams 171
Career Skills & Competencies: Make Yourself Valuable! 173
9 Control Processes and Systems 175
9.1 Why and How Managers Control 176
9.2 The Control Process 181
9.3 Control Tools and Techniques 184
Management Learning Review: Get Prepared for Quizzes and Exams 188
Career Skills & Competencies: Make Yourself Valuable! 190
10 Strategy and Strategic Management 193
10.1 Strategic Management 194
10.2 Essentials of Strategic Analysis 197
10.3 Corporate-Level Strategy Formulation 202
10.4 Business-Level Strategy Formulation 206
10.5 Strategy Implementation 209
Management Learning Review: Get Prepared for Quizzes and Exams 212
Career Skills & Competencies: Make Yourself Valuable! 214
Part Four Organizing
11 Organization Structures 217
11.1 Organizing as a Management Function 218
11.2 Traditional Organization Structures 220
11.3 Team and Network Structures 225
11.4 Organizational Designs 228
Management Learning Review: Get Prepared for Quizzes and Exams 233
Career Skills & Competencies: Make Yourself Valuable! 235
12 Organizational Culture and Change 237
12.1 Organizational Cultures 238
12.2 Multicultural Organizations and Diversity 243
12.3 Organizational Change 248
Management Learning Review: Get Prepared for Quizzes and Exams 255
Career Skills & Competencies: Make Yourself Valuable! 257
13 Human Resource Management 260
13.1 Human Resource Management 261
13.2 Attracting a Quality Workforce 266
13.3 Developing a Quality Workforce 271
13.4 Maintaining a Quality Workforce 274
Management Learning Review: Get Prepared for Quizzes and Exams 279
Career Skills & Competencies: Make Yourself Valuable! 281
Part Five Leading
14 Leading and Leadership Development 283
14.1 The Nature of Leadership 284
14.2 Leadership Traits and Behaviors 288
14.3 Contingency Approaches to Leadership 290
14.4 Personal Leadership Development 294
Management Learning Review: Get Prepared for Quizzes and Exams 299
Career Skills & Competencies: Make Yourself Valuable! 301
15 Individual Behavior 304
15.1 Perception 305
15.2 Personality 308
15.3 Attitudes 313
15.4 Emotions, Moods, and Stress 317
Management Learning Review: Get Prepared for Quizzes and Exams 320
Career Skills & Competencies: Make Yourself Valuable! 322
16 Motivation Theory and Practice 325
16.1 Individual Needs and Motivation 326
16.2 Process Theories of Motivation 329
16.3 Reinforcement Theory 335
16.4 Motivation and Job Design 337
Management Learning Review: Get Prepared for Quizzes and Exams 341
Career Skills & Competencies: Make Yourself Valuable! 343
17 Teams and Teamwork 345
17.1 Teams in Organizations 346
17.2 Trends in the Use of Teams 349
17.3 How Teams Work 352
17.4 Decision Making in Teams 360
Management Learning Review: Get Prepared for Quizzes and Exams 363
Career Skills & Competencies: Make Yourself Valuable! 365
18 Communication and Collaboration 368
18.1 The Communication Process 369
18.2 Improving Collaboration through Communication 374
18.3 Managing Conflict 377
18.4 Managing Negotiation 381
Management Learning Review: Get Prepared for Quizzes and Exams 385
Career Skills & Competencies: Make Yourself Valuable! 387
Management Cases for Critical Thinking 390
1 Trader Joe’s—Keeping a Cool Edge 390
2 Zara International—Fashion at the Speed of Light 391
3 Warby Parker—Disruption with a Conscience 392
4 Patagonia—Leading a Green Revolution 394
5 Harley-Davidson—Style and Strategy with a Global Reach 395
6 In-N-Out Burger—Building Them Better 396
7 Target—Missing the Bull’s Eye 397
8 Uber—Riding the Gig Economy 398
9 Electronic Arts—Inside Fantasy Sports 399
10 Dunkin’ Donuts—Betting Dollars on Donuts 400
11 National Public Radio—Many Voices Serving Many Needs 401
12 Gamification—Finding Legitimacy in the New Corporate Culture 402
13 RealRecruit—Protecting Student Athletes 403
14 Zappos—They Do It with Humor 405
15 Panera Bread—Growing a Company with Personality 406
16 Salesforce—Instant Praise, Instant Criticism 407
17 Auto Racing—When the Driver Takes a Back Seat 408
18 Snapchat—Snap the Story of the Moment 409
Self-Test Answers
Name Index
Organizational Index
Subject Index
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