Medical Terminology Simplified A Programmed Learning Approach by Body System

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Medical Terminology Simplified A Programmed Learning Approach by Body System by Gylys, Barbara A.; Masters, Regina M., 9781719646161
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  • ISBN: 9781719646161 | 1719646163
  • Cover: Paperback w/ Access Code
  • Copyright: 2/13/2023

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A programmed learning + self-paced + body systems approach!
Medical Terminology Simplified + Medical Language Lab (MLL) work together to create an immersive, multimedia experience that tracks each student’s progress until they’ve mastered the language of medicine. A programmed, frame-based learning approach breaks must-know content into small, student-friendly sections to make the information easier to master. An access code inside new, printed textbooks unlocks an ebook as well as access to MLL.
  • LEARN—Build a solid foundation with the text
Frame by frame, exercise by exercise, this workbook/text explores each body system through major combining forms, a comprehensive pathology section, and medical records and evaluations, complemented by true-to-life artwork.
Five Stars! Perfect.Everything I needed for my class! Easily able to follow once I understood the layout. I definitely recommend buying the book with the access code!”—Logan S.
  • PRACTICE—Study smarter, not harder
Based on proven language methodology, Medical Language Lab (MLL) guides students step by step from basic through advanced levels of proficiency to become confident medical language speakers. Students review what they’ve learned from the text and in class through activities and quizzes.
  • New! Pronunciation exercises help students practice their speaking skills with instant, detailed feedback that breaks pronunciation down to the phoneme-level.
  • New! Review sections use the results of module tests to identify the topic areas where students need to spend more time and provide practice activities for multiple learning styles.
  • ASSESS—Build mastery. Attain fluency.
Students and their instructors can monitor their progress through every MLL lesson and assignment to identify the areas where they’re struggling.
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