Painting Nature Techniques, Tutorials and Projects

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Painting Nature Techniques, Tutorials and Projects by Koomen, Gemma, 9781837832750
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  • ISBN: 9781837832750 | 1837832757
  • Cover: Paperback
  • Copyright: 5/20/2025

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Drawing inspiration from the natural world that surrounds us, Painting Nature contains 20 projects that will help you to discover how to find your style, use color and paint what you see.
Packed with tips and tricks, this book features practical projects from the starting sketch to building up your scene and the final flourish – learn how to pick up a paint brush and paint nature over through the seasons with confidence. The themes include fauna and flora, animals and people.
With step-by-step instructions, this book is perfect for beginners or intermediate-level artists, Painting Nature offers a springboard to unleashing your creativity, reigniting a love of art as you refine your technique.
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