Personality Theory and Research

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Personality Theory and Research by Cervone, Daniel; Pervin, Lawrence A., 9781119891673
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  • ISBN: 9781119891673 | 1119891671
  • Cover: Paperback
  • Copyright: 11/22/2022

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A comprehensive and accessible approach to personality theory and research with a renewed focus on contemporary findings

In the newly revised 15th edition of Personality: Theory and Research, Professor Daniel Cervone delivers balanced and up-to-date coverage of the major theories of personality and the latest psychological research on the subject. The book offers consistent theory-by-theory discussions of personality structures, processes, and development and provides readers with a foundation to compare and relate each theory to the others.

New case simulations by Professor Tracy L. Caldwell (Dominican University) bridge the gap between theory and practice and a unique package of textbook features enables students to develop their critical thinking skills as they evaluate theories and research and consider their relevance to practical applications. The authors present thorough historical coverage of the development of personality research throughout the decades without omitting comprehensive analyses of contemporary research findings.

Readers will also find:

  • Expanded coverage of the interplay between personality and culture, in which modern research findings challenge assumptions contained in 20th-century personality theories
  • New content on the biological foundations of personality
  • A brand-new modular format that offers instructors flexibility to cover personality theories in an order of their choosing
  • Novel case simulations that deepen student understanding of theoretical concepts and enable them to relate principles of personality science to everyday life augment the resources available to instructors on the Instructor Companion Website, all of which are updated for the 15th edition by Professor Caldwell. 

An essential text for undergraduate and advanced students of psychology and related fields, Personality: Theory and Research is also ideal for psychology professionals, researchers, and practitioners.

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