Pig the Monster (Pig the Pug) (Spanish Edition)

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Pig the Monster (Pig the Pug) (Spanish Edition) by Blabey, Aaron; Blabey, Aaron, 9781546176497
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  • ISBN: 9781546176497 | 1546176497
  • Cover: Paperback
  • Copyright: 8/5/2025

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Chancho el pug celebra Halloween en este libro ilustrado de Aaron Blabey, autor e ilustrador en la lista de los libros mas vendidos del New York Times.

¡Chancho, el pug mas avaro del mundo, busca furiosamente GOLOSINAS Y MAS GOLOSINAS! Pero ni se te ocurra ser tacano, porque este gloton alimentado a base de dulces tiene algunos trucos terribles bajo la manga... Chancho el monstruo es un divertidisimo libro, con las caracteristicas rimas del autor e ilustrador Aaron Blabey e ilustraciones inolvidables, para seguir a los ocho libros anteriores de la serie.Pig the Pug celebrates Halloween in this picture book from #1 New York Times bestselling author-illustrator Aaron Blabey.Pig, the world's greediest pug, is on the rampage for TREATS! TREATS! TREATS! But don't even think about being stingy with the goodies, because this candy-fueled glutton has some terrible tricks up his sleeve... Rich with author-illustrator Aaron Blabey's signature rhyming text and unforgettable illustrations, Pig the Monster is a laugh-out-loud story that follows the eight previous books in the series.
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