Piko Siska Life and Art of Harold Stuart Wilcox

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Piko Siska Life and Art of Harold Stuart Wilcox by Stroud, Jerry, 9798350940268
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  • ISBN: 9798350940268 | 8350940263
  • Cover: Hardcover
  • Copyright: 4/12/2024

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While Harold Stuart Wilcox/Piko Siska was best known for his "famous" Polynesian paintings depicting life in the South Seas along with his Polynesian fabric designs, his Campesino paintings reflect a notable shift both in culture and expression. Here, we are drawn into the lives of a Mestizo people living as they had for centuries without outside influence. And though it was not the idyllic life Wilcox once lived, it was by his own definition an"enchanted land," a colorful, profoundly free, and festive land with a charmed and gracious people. The story reveals the life and art of an artist whose work has languished in obscurity until now.
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