Religion A Study in Beauty, Truth, and Goodness

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Religion A Study in Beauty, Truth, and Goodness by Richter, Kent, 9780190291198
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  • ISBN: 9780190291198 | 0190291192
  • Cover: Paperback
  • Copyright: 7/1/2016

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Religion: A Study in Beauty, Truth, and Goodness covers the wide array of elements, including the concepts of ultimate being, scripture, ritual, morality, and beauty, which make up the fascinating entity known as religion. Taking a phenomenological approach that emphasizes the standpoint of the religious believer--a view from the inside of religion--Kent Richter uses the categories of experience, belief, and behavior ("Beauty, Truth, and Goodness") as a way to think about religion in general. This approach helps students understand both the great variety in religious traditions and the internal coherence that religion holds for its practitioners.
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