Eminent Discovery by Foster, John; Foster, Annie; Sprinkle, R. Leo, Ph.d.; Jones, Fowler, Ph.d.; Henriksen, Donna, Ph.d., 9781470141820
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  • ISBN: 9781470141820 | 1470141825
  • Cover: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2/15/2012

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Eminent Discovery with its companion book, To Earth From Heaven, offer you a true story about an incredible journey, an expedition of truth and understanding.The author and many professional researchers feel this is a very important story for our time...a detailed adventure that can answer many of your questions concerning the mysterious nature of life, science, religion and history, not to mention UFOs.This story is written as a saga/report explaining many UFO encounters in detail, encounters that occurred from John's very early childhood to age 48, in 1986 when the so-called Ets and he had a "parting of the ways."The story spans well over one-half century, from the Great Depression and World War II to our modern "best time to be alive in human history."Eminent Discovery has 366 pages of 10 pt text and features over 160 quality freehand drawings that represent what John actually witnessed with other people during the encounters. Leo Sprinkle, PhD has written the Foreword and Fowler Jones, PhD has given his Psychological Opinion. Further interesting information and support are included in the writings of several renown researchers and witnesses to John's story. Their contributions and statements are in Appendix A and Appendix B.The witnesses and an enormous number of facts and coincidences support the validity of this story. Also, research has found that UFOs and Ets were active in history, especially at the turn of centuries and millenniums.We invite you to come along with us on this astonishing journey of Eminent Discovery. It is an unveiling of mysterious activity in one man's life (like many other lives) as the Twentieth Century plunged head-long toward the new millennium.Eminent Discovery reveals what happened and how it happened in some detail, while its companion book, To Earth From Heaven, draws you into the complex depths of probable and possible meaning. It is recommended that you read Eminent Discovery first.
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