Sensation and Perception by Wolfe, Jeremy; Kluender, Keith; Levi, Dennis; Bartoshuk, Linda; Herz, Rachel; Klatzky, Roberta; Merfeld, Daniel, 9781605359724
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  • ISBN: 9781605359724 | 1605359726
  • Cover: Hardcover
  • Copyright: 10/15/2020

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Sensation & Perception, Sixth Edition, introduces students to their own senses, emphasizing human sensory and perceptual experience and the basic neuroscientific underpinnings of that experience. The authors, specialists in their respective domains, strive to spread their enthusiasm for fundamental questions about the human senses and the impact that answers to those questions can have on medical and societal issues.

This edition of Sensation and Perception offers an enhanced e-book that includes learning objectives, self-assessment, and a robust, hands-on media package that is designed to engage students through demonstrations, simulations, and activities.
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