Small Wins Every Day 100 Powerful Ways to Transform Your Life and Health

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Small Wins Every Day 100 Powerful Ways to Transform Your Life and Health by Coutinho, Luke, 9780670099511
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  • ISBN: 9780670099511 | 0670099511
  • Cover: Hardcover
  • Copyright: 9/29/2023

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Nothing is as daunting as a goal. Many of us struggle with achieving them - be it in life, health, love and career. When you set unrealistic goals and keep failing, your intelligently designed brain tries to protect you from the pain and negative emotions that come with failure.

In Small Wins Every Day, Luke Coutinho presents a simple premise with powerful results, teaching you to rewire your brain for success. The hack? Break down your goals into small wins that you can achieve every day. Stacked over time, these contribute to significant lifestyle changes, good health and happiness.

Simple and bite-sized but packed with a punch, here are 100 wins to change your life.

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