Sobreviví la erupción del monte Santa Helena, 1980 (I Survived the Eruption of Mount St. Helens, 1980)
, by Tarshis, LaurenNote: Supplemental materials are not guaranteed with Rental or Used book purchases.
- ISBN: 9781338859423 | 1338859420
- Cover: Paperback
- Copyright: 1/7/2025
El volcan exploto con la fuerza de diez millones de toneladas de dinamita...
Jessie Marlowe, de once anos, ha crecido viendo el hermoso monte Santa Helena en la distancia. Ha recorrido sus sinuosos senderos, se ha zambullido en sus frios lagos y ha pescado truchas en sus arroyos. El mero hecho de contemplar la montana a traves de su ventana la tranquiliza, como si aquella estuviera alli para cuidarla. Por supuesto que sabe que la montana es un volcan... pero ¡nunca imagino que fuera un volcan activo capaz de destruir y matar!The mountain exploded with the power of ten million tons of dynamite...Eleven-year-old Jessie Marlowe has grown up with the beautiful Mount St. Helens always in the background. She's hiked its winding trails, dived into its cold lakes, and fished for trout in its streams. Just looking at Mount St. Helens out her window made Jess feel calm, like it was watching over her somehow. Of course, she knew the mountain was a volcano...but not the active kind, not a volcano that could destroy and kill!