Terrorism, Intelligence and Homeland Security

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Terrorism, Intelligence and Homeland Security by Taylor, Robert W.; Swanson, Charles R., 9780134818146
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  • ISBN: 9780134818146 | 0134818148
  • Cover: Paperback
  • Copyright: 1/30/2018

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Terrorism, Intelligence and Homeland Security draws on current research to introduce you to domestic and foreign terrorism and international responses. It takes a balanced approach to exploring national challenges, including securing the country while safeguarding civil and personal liberties. Simultaneously historical and contemporary, the text examines the interplay of terrorism, intelligence and homeland security through the lens of key people, ideas, organizations and movements.

The text breaks down key issues into 4 sections: domestic and foreign threats in terms of history, geography, culture and religion; terrorist groups, their organization and their critical processes; US vulnerabilities to terrorism; and government agencies tasked with preventing terrorism.

The 2nd Edition brings new attention to the Islamic State, the US Department of Homeland Security and emergency management. New boxes and enhanced resources enrich the learning experience.

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